Ken Rolston is the primary caregiver to a bright, funny, ten-year-old boy. The adventures the two of them share inspire Ken's popular comic series - Dad vs the Threenager. The series, now in it’s seventh year and fourth chapter - Dad vs the Intermediate Student, has attracted over seventeen thousand followers on Instagram.
Ken has over twenty years’ experience in the children’s entertainment industry as the co-creator of Oville World Learning for Kids - an early education mobile game and he is serving in his fourth year as Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI Canada West. He is also an active member of the online graphic novel group, Kids Comics Unite.
Ken grew up in a small town in the Okanagan valley in the interior of British Columbia, and currently resides in the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada.
Ken has over twenty years’ experience in the children’s entertainment industry as the co-creator of Oville World Learning for Kids - an early education mobile game and he is serving in his fourth year as Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI Canada West. He is also an active member of the online graphic novel group, Kids Comics Unite.
Ken grew up in a small town in the Okanagan valley in the interior of British Columbia, and currently resides in the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada.