Threenager /THrēˌnājər/ - A three-year-old with the attitude of a teenager.
Dad vs the Threenager, ran once a week from April 2017 to November 2018. While the chapter titles have changed in subsequent chapters, the cartoon can still be found as Dad vs the Threenager on social media. After all, he'll always be this little guy to me - even when he's fully grown. There were 87 comic strips in the first chapter, below is a small sample of these early cartoons. The full archive is available on Patreon.

The first Dad vs the Threenager Cartoon

In the early days I wasn't sure if I would age my cartoon son as my real son aged, so he was "three" until I decided to end the chapter. In order to catch the cartoon up with his age, he goes through a time tunnel to become five. It felt very fitting as they grow so fast at that age that you blink and miss so much.